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Magneticon, Townsville

Magneticon, Townsville's very own pop culture event, and the best thing was that, it was held in my home town. I was lucky to have my daughter Dana, and son Dylan help me out, over the two day event. Having never attended before, I was struck by how the size of the crowds, and the passion in which they dived into the event. As always, it was great to catch up with Dean Rankine, illustrator of the Simpsons and Futurama. The highlight was having a chat with Boba Fett legend, Jeremy Bulloch, who was kind enough to say

hello and pose for a picture. Sales of books was amazing, rivalling that of larger events down south, and the cosplayers turned out in fantastic costumes. All throughout, I had remained strong until the very end, where I ended up buying a giant Thanos Infinity gauntlet money box. Overall, the end to a perfect weekend.

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