Osiris Child
I have one small tale to tell about my time at Supanova Gold Coast. I had lined up to get an autograph from talented voice actor Nolan North, from Uncharted fame, whom I found to be a rather friendly personable fellow. As this was occurring it was announced that some of the cast of the new Syfy movie Osiris Child, would be appearing, much to everyone's surprise. By the time I had shaken hands goodbye with Nolan, the line for Osiris Child was a mile long. I vowed to return later, hoping said line would be a lot shorter, and that I could procure a signed poster for my wife and daughter. When I finally returned I was able to tag onto the end. The cast were fantastic, especially Isabel Lucas, whom I was lucky enough to get a picture with. Kellan Lutz was also kind enough to send a video message to my wife and daughter, both these two completely generous with their time. I vowed to do something in return, giving them a copy of Perigord and Plato Wyngard, both actors appeared completely taken aback by my gifts and were very kind with their thanks. After the day was over I sent a quick tweet to Kellan to give my thanks, and by the time I reached home, he had returned my tweet with kind words. In my mind, these two people are a credit to their crafts, by taking the time to help the little person. Cheers.